Taiwan (Republic of China)

MVRsimulation has built virtual terrain of the island of Taiwan with 50cm natural color imagery mosaics collected from 2019. The imagery covers most of the island of Taiwan including portions of the Penghu Islands which are located about 50km off the western coast of Taiwan.
Located to the southeast of Taiwan, Green Island is also included in the 50cm high-resolution coverage. In areas excluded from the 50cm imagery, the high-resolution imagery is blended to underlying Landsat imagery. The elevation data was comprised of SRTM data compiled at 30m post-spacings.
Tree models from MVRsimulation's culture model libraries are populated throughout the terrain and are color sampled from the terrain imagery. Tree models were placed using polygons from OpenStreetMap data.
The terrain is available on MVRsimulation's Asia terrain drive. An active VRSG license with maintenance through October 1, 2023, is required to view the tiles.

MVRsimulation has built the island of Taiwan with 50cm natural color imagery mosaics collected from 2019.