Air National Guard C-130H Multi-Mission Crew Trainer

The U.S. Air National Guard's Multi-Mission Crew Trainer (MMCT), which uses MVRsimulation VRSG, is a high-fidelity low-cost squadron-level C-130 Hercules flight simulator for advanced mission rehearsal, threat awareness training, aircraft system refreshers, emergency procedure, and crew resource management training. The initial MMCT platform, the C-130 H2, has since been expanded to incorporate H3 and LC-130 platforms. Thus far, 11 MMCTs are in use at ten Air National Guard units; all have capability to function as H2, H3, and LC-130 airframes.
The DMO-capable trainer is a full-scale replica of the C-130 cockpit, populated with 18 touch-screen monitors that replicate the controls and indicators. VRSG provides the out-the-window view and the simulated radar view. The MMCT is fully interoperable and designed for Distributed Mission Operations (DMO) training. MMCT systems at Rosecrans Air National Guard Base, St. Joseph, MO, have flown tandem in DMO exercises since 2016.

Close-up of the Air National Guard's Multi-Mission Crew Trainer (MMCT), a full-scale replica of the C-130H Hercules aircraft.

The MMCT replaces most of the C-130 H2 and H3 cockpit with touch-screen panels. The simulator acts as a FAA Level 6 compliant Flight Training Device (FTD) to support cockpit familiarization training, cockpit procedure training, and more. The graphics are animated to function as they do in the aircraft, with all switches, knobs, and other controls configurable via touch input. This makes the platform easily reconfigurable and reduces hardware costs significantly across the lifecycle of the device. In simulating a full spectrum of flight operations, the system enables trainees to experience various simulation environments while allowing full instructor oversight and scenario control.
The units that currently train with the MMCTs are at: 179th Airlift Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard in Mansfield, OH; Great Falls, MT; 103rd Airlift Wing at Bradley Air National Guard Base, Bradley, CT; 139th Airlift Wing at Rosecrans Air National Guard Base, St. Joseph, MO (2); 165th Airlift Wing, Georgia Air National Guard, Savannah, GA; 123rd Airlift Wing, Kentucky Air National Guard, Louisville, KY; 133rd Airlift Wing, Minnesota air National Guard, St. Paul, MN; 182nd Airlift Wing, Peoria, IL; 189th Airlift Wing, Arkansas Air National Guard, Little Rock AFB, AR; and the 109th Airlift Wing at Stratton Air National Guard Base in Schenectady, NY. The latter installation is the first dedicated trainer to support LC-130 polar operations.
The 103rd Airlift Wing at Bradley Air National Guard Base has posted a video of their MMCT simulator, as has the 179th Airlift Wing in Mansfield, Ohio posted a YouTube video of their MMCT simulator.