Laguna Army Airfield 3D terrain is built with 30 cm-per-pixel imagery and NED 10 meter elevation data. The airfiled imagery is blended with 1 meter-per-pixel imagery of the surrounding area. Laguna Army Airfiled includes runways, runway lights, runway signs, getypical hangars and buildings.
Virtual Laguna Army Airfield is located within MVRsimulation's virtual Yuma Proving Ground terrain. The Yuma Proving Ground terrain database is available on MVRsimulation's CONUS NAIP Southwestern drive. The CONUS NAIP 3D terrain, in round-earth VRSG terrain architecture, is available for use by all customers who are on active VRSG software maintenance and are US Government agencies or contractors (for official use only). For US-domestic use only, not available for export.