SOTACC Village MOUT Site at Yuma Proving Ground

MVRsimulation built the Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller Course (SOTACC) training facility located at the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona. The replica Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) site for the SOTACC training course was built using 30 cm per-pixel imagery and 2 meter per-post elevation data. The MOUT site contains mobile storage containers (many with modeled interiors), fortifications, retired/stored equipment, and other elements from MVRsimulation’s 3D content libraries geolocated from aerial imagery references on the terrain. The terrain was built with MVRsimulation Terrain Tools for ArcGIS® Pro. Scenario Editor was used for culture placement and scenario creation.
The overall Yuma Proving Ground (YPG), Yuma, AZ, 3D terrain was built from 30 cm imagery and 2 to 10 meter elevation with an inset of 2 cm imagery of the Prospect Square area. In addition to the SOTACC Village MOUT site, another culture area of interest on the terrain is the modeled Laguna Army Airfield.
The SOTACC village MOUT site is located within MVRsimulation's virtual Yuma Proving Ground terrain. The Yuma Proving Ground terrain database is available on MVRsimulation's CONUS NAIP Southwestern drive. The CONUS NAIP 3D terrain, in round-earth VRSG terrain architecture, is available for use by all customers who are on active VRSG software maintenance and are US Government agencies or contractors (for official use only). For US-domestic use only, not available for export.