MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of geospecific cultural content of the virtual Nellis Air Force Base. Many cultural features were created from on-site photos.

MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene featuring an JAS39C entity in flight over virtual Nellis Air Force Base.

MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of a runway on virtual Nellis Air Force Base.
- Imagery - 0.30 mpp commercial imagery of the Nellis airfield blended into 1 mpp imagery surrounding the area
- Elevation - Custom DEM overlaid on the source DEM to provide greater than 95% accuracy for runway elevations compared to FAA charts
- Cultural features - Runway, runway lights and signage, 163 high-resolution, geolocated models of hangars, offices, storage facilities, and other buildings at the airfield, (48 unique geospecific models built from photos taken on-site), neighborhood of 644 residential houses (2 unique models); cultural lights (336,264 total light points), and 363 geotypical volumetric treesNote: Many of the cultural features of the virtual Nellis Air Force Base were created from photos taken at the actual site.