Virtual Fort Wainwright Collective Training Facility

One of MVRsimulation's several urban warfare terrain databases is the geospecific high-resolution replica of the Martinez combined arms collective training facility (CACTF) at Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Alaska. This virtual site was modeled from photographs of the actual Private Joseph Martinez CACTF. The round-earth 3D virtual terrain was created with MVRsimulation's Terrain Tools for Esri ArcGIS for rendering in Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG). Cultural features were modeled in a 3D modeling application and converted to MVRsimulation's model format.
About the training facility
Located in the Tanana River Valley Basin near Fairbanks, Fort Wainwright is the home of the US Army Garrison and Army Alaska units, including the 1st Brigade of the 25th Infantry Division and 25th Aviation Regiment, and supports simulation training of dismounted infantry and UAS operator ground control. Covering 13,423 acres in size, with 4,594 acres available for training, Fort Wainwright consists of a cantonment area and close-in training areas (of which the Martinez CATC is one). Maneuver areas comprise approximately 34 percent of the installation’s total area.
Laid out like a generic municipal center, the Martinez CATCF is designed to train soldiers how to maneuver the complexity of urban streets and multi-level structures.
About the virtual training site
The terrain was built from 0.50 meter per-pixel (mpp) resolution imagery of the greater Fairbanks area blended with 1 mpp CONUS++ imagery. Elevation source is USGS 1 meter LIDAR blended with USGS 3 meter NED.
The virtual training site contains substantial 3D feature content modeling of the Martinez CATC training site. The 18 geospecific building models have interiors, multiple levels, and articulated doors. These models and models of other structures were created from photographs of the structures taken at the actual training site, which were made available to MVRsimulation. Once built, the models were then geolocated on their terrain footprints. The modeled site also includes street signs, power transformers, street lights, curbs, bleacher seats, gas pumps, oil drums, fences, flag poles, portable toilets, utility cables, a picnic table, and a surveillance camera. Over 5,160 tree and vegetation models, and thousands of light points round out the scene. All models are in MVRsimulation model format.
Actual and simulated views of the Fort Wainwright Martinez CACTF
Below is a series of images of the Fort Wainwright Martinez CACTF. You can compare photographs of the actual facility on the left side with the VRSG screen captures of the simulated environment on the right.
Photos of Actual Ft. Wainwright Training Site
MVRsimulation VRSG's simulated view of the same scene
MVRsimulation's virtual Fort Wainwright Martinez collective training site is available as part of the Northwest US region of CONUS++ 3D terrain, and available to all MVRsimulation customers who are on active VRSG software maintenance and are US Government agencies or contractors (for official use only). For US-domestic use only. The terrain is provided in MVRsimulation's round-earth terrain format and will only run with the latest version of VRSG.