Live Virtual Demo

MVRsimulation's Demo Room supports in-person and virtual demos of VRSG and the DJFT, PJFT, and PTMT.

MVRsimulation's Demo Room overview showing the PTMT and DJFT overhead views, along with a stealth view with eye-tracking enabled.

MVRsimulation's DJFT Observer Station overhead view with emulated military equipment and views from inside the Varjo HMD (bottom) and the stealth view with eye-tracking (top).

MVRsimulation's DJFT Instructor Operator Station with 50 TB whole-world VRSG terrain server. Inset image shows MACE and TRAX integration.

Over-the-shoulder view of MVRsimulation's Part Task Mission Trainer showing the wearer's view inside the Varjo HMD on the main monitor, and insets of the overhead (top) and stealth views (bottom).

Overhead view of the DJFT as setup in MVRsimulation's Demo Room. From left to right: Role Player Station, Instructor Operator Station and Observer Station.
For users wanting interactive demonstrations of our mixed-reality simulators: the Deployable Joint Fires Trainer (DJFT), the Portable Joint Fires Trainer (PJFT) and the fixed-wing Part Task Mission Trainer (PTMT), we have several options - both in-person and remote. All options allow users to experience next-generation, mixed-reality combat simulation in training scenarios tailored by our engineers to meet your needs.
All in-person and virtual/remote demonstrations feature:
- Whole-world VRSG round-earth terrain database
- Real mission DJFT, PJFT, and PTMT hardware functionality
- Varjo mixed-reality headset integration
- Real-world digital pass-through
- ATAK integration to support Digitally Aided CAS
- Full MACE semi-automated force software integration
- CAF DMO compliant 3D models and culture
- VRSG and Varjo enabled eye-tracking
Got questions or unsure what you need? Get in touch. Our team will tailor a demonstration to suit your circumstances.
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View of the Webex virtual meeting showing multi-camera controls (top left). Over-the-shoulder view of the PTMT with insets of real-time overhead and stealth views.

Over-the-shoulder Webex view of the PTMT with Varjo view on the monitor and a student (background) at the Observer Station looking through the SOFLAM.

Multi-channel support of the MVRsimulation demo room supports live, interactive virtual demos.

Webex view of MVRsimulation's Demo room with a presenting speaker during a live, interactive virtual demo.