MVRsimulation's Video Player
MVRsimulation’s streaming video player, which works with VRSG, is a simple, flexible, viewer for streaming VRSG's H.264 /H.265 output created with the UDP MPEG-2 transport stream. This high performance-low-latency player can decode and display KLV metadata in STANAG 0601.1 or 0601.9 format.
When the video player detects a video stream, it resizes its window to match the dimensions of the video. You can override the window size if you want the video to appear to come from an underlying display, such as a simulated aircraft cockpit multi-function display (MFD). The player's borderless setting also enables it to be embedded easily into cockpit displays. In addition to controlling the size and border, you can control the position and priority of the video window.
MVRsimulation’s video player has several advantages over freeware players:
- Simple user interface designed for use in simulation environments.
- High performance and very low latency.
- Ability to decode and display KLV metadata embedded in the video stream in the NATO STANAG 0601.1 or 0601.9 format.
- Optimized for use with VRSG H.264, H.265, and MPEG2 streaming video.
Latest improvements to the video player include:
- Decoding of synchronously-multiplexed metadata.
- Ability to specify a multicast address for receiving video feeds.
- Supports the RTP protocol for CAF-DMO compliance.
- Supports MPEG2-formatted video.
- Ability to parse program association tables (PAT) and program map tables (PMT). This support means the video player can now play video from sources other than VRSG.
- Contains a drag-drop interface for playing prerecorded video clips. (The installation includes VRSG sample video clips and an actual Predator clip.)

MVRsimulation's video player.
MVRsimulation's video player is delivered with VRSG, and provided as a separate installation. Its installation file is located in the \Utilities folder of the VRSG installation media.