Category: Self-Propelled Artillery
SISO Enumeration:
MVRsimulation's FH77BW L52 with M153 155mm Archer Artillery System model is comprised of 122,995 polygons and 212 MB of textures and features standard switch states for gun firing or stowed configuration, stabilizing pad deployment, doors, headlights, brake lights, and damage state. The 155mm gun is fully articulated. The the entire cab is articulated like the civilian Volvo A30D 6x6 off-road truck chassis that the system is mounted on.
The Archer 155mm mobile artillery system has been in service with the Swedish Army sing 2016. It can quickly relocate firing positions to avoid counter-battery fires.
The FH77BW L52 with or without the M153 machin gun are available for download to MVRsimulation's customers on active software maintenance. All MVRsimulation's models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.