Category: Small Wheeled Utility Vehicles
SISO Enumeration:
MVRsimulation's M1151 Iraqi humvee model is comprised of 28,740 triangles and 58 MB of textures (per paint scheme). MVRsimulation's 3D Content Military Entity library also has models of US and Afghanistan versions of the M1151. This model, available in camo and green paint schemes, features standard switch states for headlights, tail lights, and damage state and a flag that unfurls. In addition to the standard articulated doors and wheels, the turret, hatch, and gun mounts are articulated.
The M1151 humvee used by the Iraqi Armed Forces is designed with machine gun mounts, commercial radios, and communication equipment.
The M1151 Iraqi model is available for download to MVRsimulation's customers on active software maintenance. MVRsimulation's models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.
Specific Model Variants
MVRsimulation strives to deliver models in correct paint and camouflage schemes. We may alter models to match real captured and altered equipment as this helps simulate allied platforms that are now OPFOR targets.
This M1151 model is available in variants with camo and green paint schemes.
