Category: Small Wheeled Utility Vehicles
SISO Enumeration:
MVRsimulation's VPK-233114-2A28 model is comprised of 91,978 triangles and 200 MB of textures. The model features switch states for opening and closing the hatch, cargo door, driver and passenger doors, the windows, for turning on and off headlights and brake lights, and for the vehicle damage state. These components are also articulated parts. The model also has an articulated 2A28 Grom armament gun and turret and a fully modeled interior.
The VPK-233114-2A28 vehicle is an upgraded variant of the Russian GAZ Tigr-M multi-purpose, high mobility, armored infantry vehicle. Primarily used by the Russian Federation's armed forces, the vehicle is also used by several other countries, including Syria. Syrian forces modified the VPK-233114 vehicle by adding a 2A28 Grom armament turret.
The VPK-233114-2A28 model is available for download to MVRsimulation's customers on active software maintenance. MVRsimulation's models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.
Specific Model Variants
MVRsimulation strives to deliver models in correct paint and camouflage schemes. We may alter models to match real captured and altered equipment as this helps simulate allied platforms that are now OPFOR targets.
MVRsimulation's 3D military model library includes multiple VPK-233144 model variants with different paint schemes.