Category: Armored Utility Vehicles
SISO Enumeration:
The Dingo 2 Multi-Purpose Protected Vehicle (MPPV) model has a fully modeled interior, and is comprised of 44,353 triangles and 55.2 MB of 18 textures (per paint scheme). The model is delivered in green and desert paint schemes, and has ten articulated parts: all side doors plus two doors at the back of the vehicle, roof hatch, gun, turret, and wheels.
The Dingo 2 model is available for download to MVRsimulation customers on active software maintenance. MVRsimulation models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.
Specific Model Variants
MVRsimulation strives to deliver models in correct paint and camouflage schemes. We may alter models to match real captured and altered equipment as this helps simulate allied platforms that are now OPFOR targets.
MVRsimulation has multiple Dingo model variants with different paint schemes.