Forward port quarter view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model

Forward port quarter view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model with crane boom, SOLAS fast response boat, and life boats deployed

Overhead view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model with crane booms, SOLAS fast response boats, and life boats deployed

Port side view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model with crane booms, SOLAS fast response boats, and life boats deployed

Port rear quarter view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model with crane booms, SOLAS fast response boats, and life boats deployed

Stern view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model with deck safety rails down

Bow view of MVRsimulation's USNS Rappahannock 3D Model
Category: Fleet Replenishment Oilers
SISO Enumeration:
IMO: 8822468
The USNS Rappahannock is the last ship in the Henry J. Kaiser Class fleet replenishment vessels. She delivers fuels and other essential supplies to fleet combat ships underway at sea.
Switch States
- Port crane boom stowed/deployed
- Starboard crane boom stowed/deployed
- Port SOLAS Fast Response Boat stowed/deployed
- Starboard SOLAS fast response boat stowed/deployed
- Port lifeboat stowed/deployed
- Starboard lifeboat stowed/deployed
- Forward cargo hangar bay door open/closed
- Aft cargo bay hangar bay door open/closed
- Helicopter deck hangar bay door open/closed
- Helicopter deck safety railing up/down
Articulated Parts
- Propeller rotation
- Forward Radar rotation
- Aft Primary Radar rotation
- Aft Secondary Radar rotation
This model is comprised of 897,293 polygons and 891MB of textures. As with other MVRsimulation 3D Models, damage state and multiple levels of detail are included.
The model is available for download to MVRsimulation customers on active software maintenance. MVRsimulation models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.