SISO Enumeration:
MVRsimulation's T-EPF-5 high-speed sea vessel model is comprised of 112,743 polygons and 292 MB of textures, and features a helicopter flight deck, mission bay, load ramp, hoist, and a partially modeled interior.
The recently christened T-EPF-5 (USNS Trenton) vessel will be used to support overseas operations, transport and humanitarian relief, humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and support special operations forces. This 338-foot ship is the 5th vessel of the T-EPF-5 program to be delivered to the US. Navy over the last two years. The ship is comprised of an aluminum twin-hull catamaran shell and four diesel engines, facilities for up to 40 crew members and 312 airline-style passenger seats, and a flight deck on the top. The 20,000 sq ft mission bay can be loaded to carry necessary cargo.
The T-EPF-5 model is available for download to MVRsimulation's customers on active software maintenance. MVRsimulation's models are encrypted and require a hardware dongle to view.