STE Door Gunner Simulation

MVRsimulation VRSG is used in six prototype door gunner trainers being delivered to the U.S. Army by Bugeye Technologies. The virtual reality door gunner trainers are being delivered as part of the Army’s Synthetic Training Environment (STE) program, with technologies integrated from a number of companies.
Integrated by ZedaSoft in their CBA simulation software framework, VRSG fulfills the IG requirements for immersive virtual reality, augmented reality, sensor, and conventional out-the-window (OT) capabilities for the side door gunnery trainer.
In this trainer, ZedaSoft’s CBA® for Simulation software framework integrates the ACME Worldwide Enterprises’ simulated M240D gun system with the HTC Vive helmet mounted display (HMD) running VRSG to produce this highly realistic door gunner training scenario.
See the system in ZedaSoft's Virtual Reality Door Gunner Demonstration video:
As shown in the video, VRSG renders the simulated out-the-window scene outside the helicopter in both the HMD and in the view of the display in the upper right portion of the photo.
VRSG is also used in the mixed reality Reconfigurable Virtual Cockpit Trainers (RVCT) delivered by Bugeye Technologies for the same program.