USAF Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal System (JTC TRS)

MVRsimulation is the 3D real-time visualization provider in the Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal System (JTC TRS) contract by Department of the U.S. Air Force – Air Force Materiel Command. The JTC TRS solution is comprised of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components including Immersive Display Solutions' immersive dome display system, Battlespace Simulations' (BSI's) Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE), and MVRsimulation's VRSG, which provides the out-the-window and sensor visuals for the dome display, simulated sensor feed for a video receiver (ATAK or ROVER) device, and emulated military equipment. The system also includes MVRsimulation's geospecific 3D terrain, and 3D model libraries.
In July 2023, the program ordered 13 new VRSG 2-viewport (vp2) and five new VRSG 6-viewport (vp6) licenses; and renewed 36 VRSG vp2 and 12 VRSG vp6 licenses. Most recently, in June 2024 four new VRSG licenses were ordered (two vp2 and two vp6), and a total of 477 software maintenance licenses were renewed in support of the program.
This partial dome simulator immerses the joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) or forward air controller (FAC) trainee in a 3D real-time virtual battlefield. These close air support simulators can be connected to the U.S. Air Force A-10 Full Mission Trainers (FMT) which are already standardized on MVRsimulation 3D visuals. The JTC TRS is accredited by the Joint Fire Support Executive Steering Committee to replace live fly CAS aircraft for: type 1, 2, and 3 controls, day and night missions, controls requiring a ground-based laser target designator for terminal guidance operations/marking, utilizing an IR pointer for night target marking, video downlink for enhanced target description, and surface to surface and air to surface fires integration/deconfliction.
In addition to installations of this device across the US, the USAF Europe (USAFE) trains with JTC TRS installed at the Warrior Preparation Center at Einsiedlerhof Air Station, Germany. The simulator helps train service members and airmen in the USAFE-AFAFRICA theater in the tactics and procedures used for coordinating close air support missions from forward positions. The Warrior Preparation Center uses the dome simulator in large-scale exercises, such as the Spartan Eagle quarterly coalition event which includes JTACs in Europe as well as airmen stationed in the US. The USAFE at WPC has long used MVRsimulation visuals in JTAC, F-16, remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), and other training missions.

The JTC TRS at Fort Benning, GA.