F-22 Demonstration Simulator

MVRsimulation VRSG real-time scene of an F-22 aircraft entity over round-earth geospecific 3D terrain of the Barry M. Goldwater Range.
MVRsimulation multichannel VRSG visual systems are used in Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor demonstration simulators. The F-22 cockpit demonstrator is an immersive fighter jet simulator. Visitors can fly the airplane and land safely to experience the feeling of being a fighter jet pilot inside a full-working cockpit. The setup of the demonstration simulator enables visibility for both the pilot and 10 to 20 onlookers.
The images on this page show multichannel VRSG used with the F-22 Raptor cockpit demonstrator, which has been transported to various locations around the world for hosting demonstrations.
All the simulators shown above are running on ZedaSoft's Container Based Architecture for Simulation (CBA). This Java-based architecture provides the simulators a plug-in execution environment that runs at 60Hz or more. The simulators shown here are synchronized at 60Hz with MVRsimulation's high performance visual system which, together with CBA, provides a smooth and realistic flying experience.

View from the cockpit of Lockheed Martin’s F-22 demonstration simulator using MVRsimulation's multichannel real-time visual system.

ZedaSoft's Portable Simulator Desktop (PSD) running the same F-22 simulation as shown above, using MVRsimulation's visuals in a more portable format.
All images shown above (except for the VRSG image at the top) are courtesy of Keith Robinson and ZedaSoft. Systems shown are of MVRsimulation visual systems and terrain, ZedaSoft Simulator Technology and Portable Simulator Desktop, and Lockheed Martin F-22 Cockpit Demonstration Simulator.